5 Steps To Merging PDFs Into A Single Document

Have you ever needed to PDF merge multiple PDFs into one document? If you have, you know that it can be a bit of a pain. Thankfully, there are four easy steps you can follow to merge your PDFs into a single document—no matter what device you’re using. So whether you’re using a Windows PC, Mac, iPhone, or Android phone, we’ve got you covered. Let’s get started!
Step One: Download PDF Merge App
The first step is to download a PDF merge app. There are many options a simple Google Search can show you many options both free and online. Download the app for your device – MAC, Windows PC, or Android/iPhone. Install the program as per the instruction. Alternatively, you can use online merging options.
Step Two: Open the App and Select Your Files
Once the app is installed, open it and select the PDFs you want to merge. With PDF Merge, you can select multiple files at once by holding down the “Ctrl” key on your keyboard while clicking each file you want to add. Once you’ve selected all the files you want to merge, click “Open.” On PDF Joiner, simply tap on each file you wish to add in the order you want them to appear in the final document.
Step Three: Merge Your Files
Now that your files are open in the app, it’s time to merge them into a single document. On PDF Merge, click “Merge.” This will combine all of your selected PDFs into one document which will open automatically in your default PDF viewer. On PDF Joiner, tap “Join Files.” You’ll then be given the option to share or download your newly merged PDF.
Step Four: Save Your File (Optional)
If you’re satisfied with how your merged PDF looks, congratulations! You’re done! However, if you’d like to make changes or add anything before saving—such as password-protecting your document—most apps will give you that option before finalizing everything. Just look for an “Edit” or “More” button within the app before saving or exporting your file. And that’s all there is to it! In just four easy steps, you can successfully merge multiple PDFs into one document—regardless of what type of device you’re using.
Step Five: Check the Quality of the Merged File
The last and final step is to check the quality of merged file. Open the file and check if all pages are in the correct order and if there is no missing page. If you are satisfied with the quality, you can save the file. You can now send the save the file or share it with others.
PDF merge is a great way to combine multiple PDFs into one document. It’s quick, easy, and you can do it on any device. Just download a PDF merge app, open the app and select your files, merge your files, and save your file. In just five easy steps, you’ll have a merged PDF that is ready to be shared or edited. Thanks for reading!