
Here Are Some of the Top DevOps Certification Courses!

2022 has made us realize that anything can happen at any time. During the time of COVID, The thing that saved us was our skills. Having a different kind of skill increases our value and helps us in our hard times. 

DevOps skill is one of them. It is one of the best skills you can learn to increase your capabilities. There are lots of DevOps course available on the internet you can choose from. This will provide a DevOps certification course. If we talk about DevOps, it is a combination of the terms “Development” and “Operations.” 

The knowledge and specialized competitive skills required to be a successful DevOps practitioner are demonstrated through DevOps course certification. Because DevOps is typically regarded as one of the best-paid ones in terms of income, earning a DevOps certification course increases the chances of finding respectable employment. 

Top DevOps Certification Courses

A DevOps certification could improve your employment prospects, increase your earning potential, attest to your understanding of the development life cycle, and strengthen your resume. The best DevOps certification to help candidates develop their careers are listed here, so let’s look!

  • Microsoft Certified Expert DevOps Engineer

Similar to AWS, Azure is a cloud-based software system. This certificate is designed for candidates and experts with strong subject-matter expertise in continuous deployment who interact with companies, employees, and procedures. To apply for this certification program, experts must be proficient in tasks like implementing and designing methods and products that allow teams to collaborate, turning infrastructure into code, and conducting system integration and processes. 

  • Kubernetes certification

To simplify the deployment and scaling of multi-container applications, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) and the Linux Foundation collaborated to develop Kubernetes, a transparent container management system. Kubernetes, one of the top DevOps technologies, is a market leader in the DevOps certification space since it enables the DevOps team to remain up with the evolving requirements of application development. If you want to obtain this certification, continuing with the best Kubernetes training is beneficial.

  • Professional Certification as an AWS Certified DevOps Engineer

Take this test if you have two or more years of experience managing, deploying, and building up infrastructures in AWS environments. Your aptitude for developing CD and CI systems on AWS, automating security controls, confirming compliance, supervising and monitoring AWS operations, setting up metrics, and logging has been verified.

  • Associate Docker Certified

As a basic milestone for practical Docker capabilities throughout the container industry, the Docker Certified Associate certification helps you hone your abilities as an accomplished Docker practitioner. It is a collection of platform-as-a-service (PaaS) products that provide applications in containers by utilizing OS-level virtualization. 

You will be equipped to understand Docker and its function in the DevOps lifecycle, as well as to generate images, containers, swarms, volumes, and networks, as well as to explain client-server authentication and Docker security client bundles. On, there are more than 21000 job vacancies for Doker Certified Associates. What does it pay, too? The average annual pay for a Docker Certified Associate is 654,455, according to PayScale.

  • Certified Puppet Professional

DevOps workers utilize Puppet to automate procedures to deploy infrastructure changes and produce better software. A system administration program called Puppet helps automate and manage server setup. Having passed the Puppet Certified Professional exam, which assesses both your technical knowledge and practical experience, you can utilize Puppet IT automation tools. You must comprehend and put into practice principles relating to categorization techniques, debugging Puppet code, module authoring, orchestration and tasks, environments, administration, language, and concepts.

  • Professional DevOps Engineer Certification for Google Cloud Platform

For qualified cloud engineers, GCP offers a certification that is recognized by Google. These experts are frequently in charge of carrying out development tasks effectively to strike a balance between the stated order and service dependability. This certification is designed for experts in GCP who could build workflows for delivering products and services and tracking them. Professionals who are interested in obtaining this certificate should have three or more years of industry-level competency and one or more years of experience with GCP management services.

  • Cloud DevOps Engineering Nano-Degree

Through practical application on actual projects, this certification imparts knowledge of DevOps. You will discover how to organize, build, and keep track of CI/CD pipelines. In addition, you’ll learn how to create infrastructure using code (IaC). You would be willing to use scalability techniques and microservices after completing the program successfully. Kubernetes is one such tool you will be able to use. You need to be familiar with HTML, CSS, Linux commands, and operating system basics before starting the training.

  • Foundation of DevOps 

By obtaining this certification, individuals can have a complete understanding of CI/CD, testing, security, and “The Three Ways,” as well as how DevOps ties to particular other methodologies like Agile and Lean. The 40 MCQs on an open-book, online exam have no prerequisites. Students can choose to study independently or with a trainer to get ready for the exam. However, allocate a total of 16 hours to studying for the exam.

Your job objectives, educational background, and personal interests will all play a role in which DevOps certification you choose. Numerous organizations, including Red Hat, HashiCorp, the DevOps Institute, MIT, Linux, Jenkins, and others, provide DevOps course and certificates. DevOps heavily emphasizes automation, and many of these skills focus on understanding cloud principles, system integration, and connectivity. Whatever technologies you are comfortable with and where you prefer to be in the development process will determine which certification you should investigate.

  • Certificate Program In DevOps and Cloud Engineering by Hero Vired 

The world’s experts and professionals hold it in high regard as one of the most well-known certificates at the moment. It helps you validate your DevOps knowledge so you may advance professionally. This course by hero Vired is absolutely one of the most informative ones. It helps you gauge the right knowledge required to become an expert in the field of DevOps. 

Wrapping Off

Gaining a lot of practical, hands-on expertise with the DevOps technology you want to get certified in is essential. You need to practice, learn, take an online DevOps Training program, and get certified to achieve a successful DevOps career.

You can also head to Hero Vired, a popular brand that offers the best DevOps certification course. One can easily pick their favorite DevOps course from their pool of multiple informative courses. 

Visit their website and get in touch with their teams today!

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