
How to Keep Your Cat Active During Its Senior Years

Slowing down is a part of aging, whether humans or animals. How you care for your pet in its senior years is often significantly different from how you took care of it during kittenhood and growing up years.

Feline pets crave more comfort as they grow old, so adapt your home to meet your fluffy friend’s new needs as it enters a new phase of life. It is essential to keep your fur baby active, safe, and on the right nutrition to give it peaceful final years.

Also, if you have bought cat insurance already, you might not need to worry much about unanticipated vet costs. Senior pets are more susceptible to chronic illnesses and medical emergencies, which is why having a medical backup can help.

Otherwise, it is advisable to contemplate purchasing the best pet insurance as early as possible because insurers do not cover pre-existing medical conditions. In the meantime, read this article to learn how to keep your feline active during its senior years.

Physical stimulation

Older cats may not be able to jump high up into the air, leap from place to place, and run around the house as they did when they were young. However, this should not prevent them from getting a healthy amount of exercise on a daily basis.

Brief and gentle play sessions throughout the day can help your cat maintain a good level of activity essential for joint and muscle health. A little exercise every day ensures active reflexes and a happy kitty in the house.

Mental stimulation

Being mentally active is as important as being physically active. Look for ways to enrich your cat’s life by providing it with interactive puzzle toys, rewarding toys, a cat TV, and other things that can give work to its mind. Window perches can help your cat have a view of the outside world safely from inside the house. This arrangement can help prevent boredom and keep it mentally active.

Healthy weight

Cats, just like humans, become less active as the years kick in. A less active lifestyle means packing on extra kgs pretty quickly. Additional weight can stress out the bones and joints, making internal organ systems less functional and the kitty more susceptible to illnesses. So, it is only wise to monitor your fur companion’s weight regularly and adapt the diet to suit its health needs.


Feed your senior cat at scheduled times, with limited food portions, easily digestible and balanced nutrition. Avoid free feeding and seek your veterinarian’s advice if your pet is suffering from chronic health conditions and seems in need of dietary supplements.

Be on top of the grooming routine, shower your cat with immense love, care, and affection to promote its health and happiness, and schedule trips to the vet regularly to catch potential medical issues early. Simultaneously, consider being prepared with cat insurance so your older cat has a medical financial backup during needy times of health.

Contemplate purchasing the best pet insurance so your feline is covered for broad-ranging health conditions with only minor financial hassle.

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